Termites are especially hard to detect because they eat wood from the inside. They are capable of causing considerable damage if not discovered on time. Some nest can accommodate hundreds of thousands of termites working on areas of your home that you rarely inspect is where a Termite Inspection will prove to be especially beneficial.
Although termites are sneaky and destructive, they can, however, be defeated. Infestation can be identified, and the resulting damages curtailed if you have your home evaluated yearly. During a Termite Inspection, the inspector will carefully check the interior and exterior of the building as well as sub-floor areas and all open roof cavities. Depending on the condition and size of the building, a thorough inspection can take up to 60 minutes.
1. Presence of Mud Tubes
Another indicator of a pest problem is the presence of mud tubes. Mud tubes also called shelter tubes can be found near pipes, along with your foundation, in your garret and crawlspace among others. If you see this while inspecting the house yourself, quickly call a professional. Mud tubes are like hidden highways built by termites to move across exposed or open spaces. They are often made of wood, soil, cellulose and other chapped matter.
2. Mud in Cracks and Construction Joints
Termites are diligent builders. To enhance comfort, they cover up small cracks or gaps with dirt. Hence if you notice crusted dirt in tiny holes and cracks on your concrete or mud in construction joints around your home, it may well be the work of termites.
3. Detection of Swarmers
Termites form colonies inside their nest, and after a few years, these colonies produce alates ( sexually mature adults with wings). During the spring, the alates fly off to their own nests. Bear in mind that the nest lets out their alates in swarms at the same time. So if you suddenly begin to see many winged termites inside your house, it is likely that there is a termite nest close by feeding on the wood of your home. Alates trying to get outside may be found clustered around closed doors and windows.
4. Corroding of Wood
If you are checking for termites yourself, you might not see the extent of damage done on the wood because termite eats wood from inside. However, a termite inspector can determine if the wood is partially hollowed out on the inside than normal. When extensive damage has been done, you will see specks of mud inside the termite infested wood.
5. Wood in Your Landscape
An exterminator will check for features around your property that can nurture termites such as wood fencing, wood mulch, firewood, fallen tree branches, and outdoor wooden structures. Termites can find their way into your home when they start feeding on the above-listed food sources close to the foundation of your home. They simply follow the food source where it leads.
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South Country Home Inspection